Lumix Laser

Don’t Let Them Sell You THAT Truck!

Don’t waste time and money on under-performing strategies and equipment. These simple tips have formed my patient management approach. If I invest in myself, my skills, the patient and the best tools in my trade, my ROI will always bring me Happiness.

Time to Step it Up

Think of the impression we make when our patients feel an immediate and profound improvement in their condition. I see and hear it every time I use my favorite “tool kit” to treat patients: “The doctor found my problem, understands my needs, is on the right track, can restore my life and I know others who need his or her help”. Our patients are not clueless: They know we cannot “fix” a problem in one treatment, even if we can turn it off in one visit. On the other hand, they also know that a quick start makes for a winning strategy in pain relief and wellness.


12 Facts on LASER Therapy That Will Save You Thousands of Dollars!

Did you know that Continuous Wave LASERs cannot deliver an effective dose greater than 2-3 watts?

Not knowing the difference in LASER products can cost you thousands of dollars in ineffective care, lost ROI, lost future income and immeasurable frustration. With that said, in this post, I will share with you 12 facts on LASER therapy that will save you thousands of dollars!